Fitness and workout routines have been something I have been into for a couple of years now and am still loving. I started off with a personal trainer and then moved onto proceed my fitness journey by myself and it is fair to say that like most things in life it has been a learning process. Over the years I have learnt that cardio on its own will not help you achieve the results you may be looking for. I have been doing a mixture of cardio, weight training and spinning classes to help me achieve the body I want , it was when I started introducing weight training that I saw my body changing in a positive way.

Of course with Fitness comes nutrition , it is vital that you are consistent not only in the exercise sector but are also incorporating proper nutrition in your everyday lifestyle. In order for your muscles to repair and grow protein is essential and advised to consume after a workout, now the question that is mostly common ... What Protein Powder should I take? There are so many supplements brands out there it can be overwhelming to find one you feel works best for you. Today I have collaborated with Miss Fits Nutrition to introduce you to a lean pea protein that MissFitssNutrution call THE MULTITASKER, it provides your body with the protein but also the nutrition it needs to repair your muscles, this product is all natural , gluten free , dairy free , Vegan and has no sugar or hidden nasty products within it.

How to take it? Simply shake it up with water, milk or make a smoothie. I personally love to mix mine with either just water or almond milk if I am consuming it straight after my work out , however mix in bananas , natural cocopowder , peanut butter with the chocolate protein powder and you'll be left with a chocolate peanut butter milkshake! YUM!!


Missguided Online Store: Black Jeans With Rips

Spring is officially on its way with that being said its time to bring out the bright colours and your spring waredrobe. I have been on a hunt to  find the perfect pair of black jeans with rips for a while and Misguided online store have provided me with just what I was looking for. I personally love the strong contrast between the black and bright pink jumper crop top  that I wore in this look, the clear perspex heels soften the  look , I feel that with this sort of casual styling adding a pair of subtle heels it really pulls the look together.