Birthday Celebrations Weekend

Monday 27 January 2014

This weekend has been a pretty busy and eventful one , I turned 22 on Sunday and had a blast celebrating it with my old uni bestie which I have not seen in months, she visited me for the weekend so we spent two days together which was great, you know your true friends with someone when you don't see them for months yet as soon as you reunite it feels like the old times and nothings changed. We went out for drinks on saturday and grabbed lunch together on Sunday, it was so nice to see her and catch up after such a long time. On sunday I celebrated with my gorgeous bestie Sav , she surprised me with the cutest cake and card ever an then we went out for a few cocktails. I have a very busy next few weeks so will be celebrating my birthday with the rest of my friends at the end of February which I am very much looking forward too. I have a few beauty reviews coming up this week as well as a giveaway coming your way tomorrow so keep your eyes out for that.


  1. Happy belated! My birthday was this wknd too :-)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday, Sounds like you had a lovely time! xo

  3. Happy birthday! You looked like you were having so much fun from your pictures!

    xx Kait

  4. Happy Birthday! looks like you had an awesome time :)

  5. Happy Birthday. You look so stunning in your photos, hope you had a good time.


  6. Hope you had a fab birthday! Sounds like it's been a good one!


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